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Milton Glaser's road to hell
In 2002, Milton Glaser wrote an essay about design and ethics: 12 Steps on the Graphic Designer's Road to Hell Bending the truth can be a slippery slope for graphic designers. A few years ago I had the pleasure of illustrating Dante's Purgatory for an Italian publisher. I was impressed by the f...
Glaser, Milton
Milton Glaser is an American graphic designer and design commentator, perhaps best known for his 'I♥NY' logo. He also founded New York Magazine with Clay Felker in 1968. In 2004, Glaser won a National Design Award Lifetime Achievement from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in the US, and in 2...
Glaser, M. (n.d.). Milton Glaser | Ten Things I Have Learned. Milton Glaser | Essays.
Glaser, M. (n.d.). Ten Things I Have Learned. Milton Glaser | Essays. Retrieved November 9, 2013, from pdf
Glaser, M. (2002, September). The Road To Hell. Metropolis Magazine. Retrieved from
Glaser, M. (2002, September). The Road To Hell. Metropolis Magazine. Retrieved from Note: the original link on Metropolis' website no longer works, but in this essay Mr Glaser refers to the Road to Hell.
Road to hell icons
These icons chart my own level of discomfort with ethical decisions taken during the LAWA design process. They are inspired by Milton Glaser's 12 Steps on the Graphic Designer's Road to Hell. The scale runs from 1-10: One equals “not ethically taxing”, 10 equals “this is absolutely wrong and immor...
Road to hell icon
Inspired by Milton Glaser's essay 12 steps on the graphic designer's road to hell these icons chart my own ethical considerations in the process of the LAWA project and the MDes.
Closing thoughts
At the outset I asked: are there practices that can foreground credibility and trustworthiness in design for the web? Research from the fields of human computer interaction, social psychology and beyond suggest that there are. These practices relate not only to aesthetics, but encompass many factors...
What's in a name?
This, then, is our first question: What is good? and What is bad? and to the discussion of this question (or these questions) I give the name Ethics(Moore, 1903, chapter 1.2) What is making good? This exegesis is called Making Good because: It seeks to ‘make good’ on the brief and our commitment to...
How this exegesis works
Why are you reading this as a website? Put simply, to show, rather than just tell. An online exegesis As one of the intents of this project is to demonstrate how best to communicate credibly within the online space, synthesising my research and process with this medium becomes a design expression in...
About me
In a book on design research, I came across a word that resonated with my own research philosophy: axiology. Hilary Collins (2010, p.37) states “Axiology is concerned with values, including aesthetics and ethics, but it also includes the process of research”. Collins advocates writing a values state...